Reflecting back on the goals I had set for myself last year, I feel pretty good about where the year ended up. I ran my first half marathon (and lived to tell about it), found a new love in CrossFit which has helped me regain the athlete that was lying dormant inside me and realigned the way I look at food completely. James pointed out the other day, if two years ago, you would have told me I'd have given up wine for weightlifting, I would have laughed uncontrollably. While wine isn't completely off the menu in our household, the amount consumed has drastically dropped as our workouts have increased. It's definitely funny how your priorities realign over time.
Now, without further adieu, my official goal list for 2014:
- Run at least three obstacle course races (Diva Dash, Spartan Race & Tough Mudder)
- Compete in one CrossFit competition outside my gym
- Break my 5k PR
- Fix my lifting technique and increase my clean, jerk and snatch PRs by 10%
- Deadlift 250+ lbs
- Link 5 kipping pull ups together
- Launch Primal Kitchen (more on that soon as well)
- Preform a minimum of 15 minutes of mobility training per day
- Reduce my credit card debt by at least half
- Out preform the past two years in client billing for my job
- Read at least 10 books
- Volunteer for at least 3 Cooking Matters programs
- Write a minimum of 10 insightful blog posts per month