Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I'm Still Awful at Volleyball - Day 16

I'm about to date myself with this reference, but when we have volleyball games at the gym, I feel a little like Daria (for those of you not in the know, you should google the MTV cartoon circa 1999 an indulge yourself in an episode on youtube).  Recreational volleyball is a skill set I never perfected in junior high gym class and unfortunately, it followed me into adulthood - who knew?  On the upside, being picked last in seventh grade was a traumatic experience that I would have given anything to avoid whereas being picked last now is at least something I can own and be okay with.   

Unfortunately, no amount of protein in my diet will ever improve my ability to hit a ball over a net.  C'est la vie.  Aside from spending two hours flailing around a volleyball court, today went pretty darn well.  I'm over the halfway hump and still going strong.  I'm also down a total of 8 lbs from the first day of the program.  Again, I'm fully aware that weigh loss is a byproduct, not a driving force behind the Whole 30, but I'm still excited to be shedding some of the weight that's been hanging on despite my workouts.  

I've been trying to focus on keeping my sugar intake as low as I can, which is much easier when your primary source is fruit, with some success.  I'm excited to finish out these last two weeks strong and make the most of every day.  

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